How to Make Plant-Based Patties?

To nail the perfect texture of a plant-based patty is challenging — because of the difference in properties between meat and vegetable protein can often cause it to fall apart during cooking — and fall apart in your palate.

It is also difficult to get plant-based ingredients for patty making achieve the right firm meat-like texture. Most of the time, the plant-based patty would end up being too soft and possess strong beany note.


Common Concerns When Developing Plant-Based Patties:


  • Making shape-stable and good binding patties
  • Getting the firm and meat-like texture
  • Delicious meat-like taste without beanie off-taste


To address such concerns, you’ll need to consider the choice of protein source, binding capability, and most importantly, the taste. Thus, it is crucial to look into the functionality of every ingredient that goes into your product. Working with our experts at our Innovation Centre, Markaids has formulated a tried and tested recipe using the right ingredients in Malaysia.


What Ingredients Do You Need to Make Plant-Based Patties in Malaysia?

  • Texturised Vegetable Protein (TVP) 52.5% – TVP is a denatured protein. It is the core ingredient for plant-based products as it mimics the meat texture thus, giving your patty the meat-like biting experience. It also provides protein content. 
  • Season-aid™ Grill 5.0% Seasoning or flavour enhancers are important to mask strong beany off-note from the proteins. As plant based products in Malaysia contain no meat, adding seasoning or flavour enhancers will also give the desired umami and meaty flavour. Here we recommend Season-aid Grill to add the oomph with a tasty grill profile.
  • Cold Water 20.0% Make sure the water is cold, between 2-4°C.
  • Firm-AidH437 2.5%specially formulated ingredient to provide the shape stability and good binding properties that consumers expect, ensuring a great looking patty every time.
  • ISOPRO 510A 20.0% source of protein in plant-based products in Malaysia. It also helps in binding and giving good firm texture to your patty.
  • JRS Dietary Fibres – create more value on your product with a “green” and healthier image by adding dietary fibres.

Steps to Make Plant-Based Patties

1. Prepare your ingredients. This recommended recipe is ideal for a hand-manual method.

  1. Weigh all ingredients as shown in the table.
  2. Hydrate your choice of TVP with 2 parts of water and place in a mixing bowl. The TVP needs to be hydrated for at least 15 minutes before using it.
  3. Prepare the ISOPRO 510A emulsion. Emulsify the ISOPRO 510A with 5 parts of water and 1 part of oil in a food processor. We recommend using a food processor to ensure smooth emulsion.

2. Now you have all your ingredients ready, it is time to mix.

  1. First, hydrate Season-aid and Firm-aid with the water, and mix with the ISOPRO 510A emulsion.
  2. Next, add the hydrated TVP into the mixture and mix under medium speed. Scrape the walls of the mixer to ensure even mixing. Continue to mix until well-combined.
  3. Now the mixture is ready to mould! Weigh them to 90g per patty and mould them into patty shape. Then, keep it in a frozen condition.
  4. Heat up a pan with some oil and pan-fry the patty for about 8 minutes.

3. Watch the following video for a step-by-step tutorial!